Saturday 29 August 2020

श्री गणेश अथर्वशीर्ष स्तोत्र - Solution to all worries

I, The Girl with Prosthesis, Khyati Mehta is committed to give you inspiration from daily life and with her own commitment to talk about "Shree Ganesh Atharvashirsha Stotra" I am right here on the "Saturday Inspiration" talk today.

To begin with - थर्व means which is moving and अथर्व means which is immovable, Stable, Static, Stationary. So अथर्वशीर्ष means a head which is stable. Let me take you to the deeper meaning of this. This also means head which is strong with it's thoughts, immovable from his strong positive beliefs in self, stable in all conditions and situations.

I insist every reader of this blog to learn अथर्वशीर्ष स्तोत्र not just today but every single day and you will see a sudden change in your own self. The reason I tell you is it's meaning and simplicity of recitation. अथर्वशीर्ष स्तोत्र is a Ved Mantra (Vedochaar also we call it) and to recite a Ved Mantra generally we need a scholar Brahmin or Pandit. But अथर्वशीर्ष स्तोत्र Ved Mantra is easy for all of us to remember, sing and also understand it's meaning.

Beauty of this stotra says, Shree Ganesha reaches to the mass of all cast, creed, culture, clan to convey the message of Unity of Living being with Supremacy. And that is why we see that all Regions and Religions are preaching Lord Ganesha and having faith on him as विघ्नहर्ता (Destroyer of Troubles)

नमो व्रातपतये । नमो गणपतये । नमः प्रमथपतये ।
नमस्तेऽस्तु लम्बोदरायैकदन्ताय । विघ्ननाशिने शिवसुताय वरदमूर्तये नमः ॥१० ॥

Just like Lord Ganesha; if we look into the history; great leaders like Bal Gangadhar Tilak, Vinoba Bhave, Saint Tukaram, Saint Gyaneshwar, Saint Shankaracharya, Saint Vallabhacharya and also Divine Leaders like Lord Ram, Lord Krishna etc have reached out to common man - Hut to Hut and Heart to Heart to spread the message of presence of Divine Supreme power residing within ourselves. It is our duty to spread the message of divinity and unity among the society once you learn it and understand it yourself. Do not keep this treasure to yourself alone, share it till you think you can with all your strength and might - Physical, Emotional, Financial, Spiritual, Devotional, Social and Philosophical.

Before you start reading the Sanskrit lyrics of Ved Mantra - अथर्वशीर्ष स्तोत्र, I am putting few points explained in the stora in simplest way:

- You are everything and Everything is in you!

- You are everything and You are only that soul which resides in each living being!

- You are the 5 Elements of earth, You are the Vowels and Consonant, You are the Generator, Operator and Destroyer.

- You are in all 4 direction, You are above me, You are below me, You are around me, You are within me.

- You are the light and life within living being and we are just ONE!

- You are beyond any boundaries can define you and any definition that any limited intellect can talk about.

- You protect us in the form of 5 Elements of earth, You are in everything and Everything is in You, that empowers you to protect your own self.

- Irrespective of you wishing or not, Universe will keep on getting renewed with unlimited innovations and keep on expanding just like you keep doing your Karma every single micro to mini seconds.

I am putting the stotra image below to read it. This stotra is divided in 3 parts : शान्ति मंत्र (Shanti Mantra), स्तुति (Stuti) & फलश्रुति (Fal Shruti).

From Stotra 1 to 10 is what comprises of शान्ति मंत्र and स्तुति which is most important to understand the meaning of this stotra.

Purpose of sharing this Stotra:

So, friends in this pandemic time when day in day out we are seeing loss of family members, friends, relatives, neighbors or any of our inspiring characters due to this Contagious Flu like virus Covid19, we are feeling down and sad. 

If we sing अथर्वशीर्ष स्तोत्र after understanding it's meaning, suddenly there will be a spark within us. This spark will ignite our soul with the meaning that all the disappearance of any individual from it's physical form from our life and leaving us behind alone have actually not gone away from us.

 Now our loved one who supposedly claimed as died, have gone no where but have become the United Energy of a soul and always remember - Total Amount of Energy in Universe remains same. It just transforms from one form to another. 

Thus our loved ones who have left us from physical presence are also still with us, around us but in different form that we are unable to recognize.

DO YOU WANT TO RECOGNIZE THEM? Ans - Of course YES! What to do for that?? 

Simple - Do you Remember what I wrote earlier? - You are everything and Everything is in you! 

It means, Living being who left us in physical form actually transforms into a Soul. (One of the form of Energy)

DO YOU KNOW WHERE DOES SOUL RESIDE? Ans - Of course YES! Within Our self!

With the help of this Energy known as Soul, we do all the activities in daily life. 

SO NOW CAN YOU RELATE SOMETHING ABOUT WHERE DID YOUR LOVED ONE GO? Ans - Of Course YES! Our Loved One's physical form is transformed to another form of Energy i.e. Soul.

Just know one fact, Soul is always ONE! SO your loved one is right within you actively helping you to grow and manifest your dreams, goals and aspirations.

Lastly, I want to end this blog with 1 important information given in this Ved Mantra :

- Irrespective of you wishing or not, Universe will keep on getting renewed with unlimited innovations and keep on expanding just like you keep doing your Karma every single micro to mini seconds.


Stop worrying about Phases of life like Happiness or Sadness. All Phases and emotions will keep coming and going. Live life like an observer. This will detach you from stress of result (Good or Bad) and your life will be a bliss as you will enjoy doing Karma.

If you really feel free from all stress after reading this blog, DO give yourself one chance to learn these Ved Mantra - "Shree Ganesh Atharvashirsha Stotra" and see the magic of science behind words of these Ved Mantras practically helping you.

Very soon, I will sing this entire Stotra and put my recording also here for your reference.

Till then let me get inspired from my daily life and together we get inspired to live a better life - FULL OF BLISS!



  1. This is a very good read Khyati. I do recite the Ganpati Atharvashirsha everyday, and did know what it means, but this in-depth information is very insightful. Thank you

  2. I am so happy to know I am connecting to a right minded tribe who follows traditions with meaning.

    I am glad you liked the detailed content. I pray Ganpati bapa to keep spark always alive in you?!
