Monday 15 August 2011

Independence Day

This is myself with 'Independent' thoughts commenting on the most appreciated topic of today's thrill - Independence Day!

Independence is not a situation but is a thought! Thought where a Child is free/Independent to select his/her future! Thought where a girl/woman is no more discriminated with Boy/Man to be what she is - to express what she is - to move ahead where she wants to!

Is it too difficult to be Independent or to be Free? Or to be precise is Independence mean to ask for freedom? Can we get freedom by asking? Fighting? Forcing? Independence in today's world is smoothness in thinking, implementation of thinking, acceptance of results of implementation, progress the thinking, and continue the cycle without any influence of external thinking & assumptions.

I have learnt the feeling of independence from Nature! Natue is our best teacher in all fields and sectors.

How beautifully a tree choose to grow from small seed grown to a huge tree!It chooses its direction of growth, source of energy, place to survive and place to die with none to ask for hand for survival and none to call upon to burry!

Nature is independent! Independent of it's existence! Free to exist with only one thought - 'TO GIVE' 'EXPECT NOTHING'. Nature projects happiness with no influence of greed to get more, no influence of friend/partner/family member to be with them for it's own survival. 

This phase of life - Survival in Independence - with Freedom is portrayed as Detachment with the fellow beings in Human Species. Friends, I feel this phase is 'Solitude' rather. Where you are with every one yet so different. Difference is in experiencing Difference in being and expressing 'I am different just like every one is'

By experiencing this difference and yet jel with your surrounding shows the Acceptance in your nature and you just be like Nature!

Friends - Lets explore the world, be at different turfs and enjoy your being, experience difference of every other person's being on different lands, enjoy the beauty of land with different colors of sand of the land, different fragrance of the flowers of the gardens, feel the different aroma of the breeze of the country side and merge yourself in this dream of being so different and accept the difference!

Let's dwell ourselves in the beauty of Freedom and enjoy our being by freeing up the spirits from fears and boundaries! I am leaving the boundaries and expanding my horizon by planning my next trip to Malaysia - what about you?! :)


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Nicely presented Khyati...Many of us wouldn't hv seen nature with the "Independence" perspective....thts a new dimension..

    Keep it up!!! Let these creative things come out of yr mind :)

  3. Helooooo Khyatu…..I just finished reading your artcile….well written, Hats off to your imaginary world,
    You did a great job ! Thumbs up !!!

    “Enthusiasm is excitement with inspiration, motivation, and a pinch of creativity.” you have all of these in you…keep it up !!!

    I look forward to seeing your high level of work in the future. Keep it going !!!! just going……I wish you all the very Best!!!
    Luv u !for what u r.

    “I wish a wish for you.
    Its a wish I wish for few.
    The wish I wish for you is that all ur wishes come true !!!
    so keep wishing as my best wishes are always with you.
    GOOD LUCK !!!!”

  4. Lovely one..Khyati,,, Ur thoughts are relly well convereted in these beautiful words here..!! Wah!! Keep posting!!

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